TNA Impact! – Open Fight Night (June 21, 2012)

My ongoing effort to replace reviews of stray matches I did with reviews of complete shows continues as we take a gander at this random-ass episode of Impact Wrestling from 2012. So let’s head to the Impact Zone to see what random former WWE wrestler is going to make Professor Iron “Mike” Tenay bellow, “WHAT’S HE DOING IN THE IMPACT ZONE?!”

Highlights for Children!

We kick things off with a recap package about James Storm doing some stuff and Austin Aries having to make a choice regarding the X Division Championship.

Meanwhile in the Impact Zone…

We’re live at the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL for another exciting episode of Impact! Professor Iron “Mike” Tenay and Taz(z?) are on commentary and Tenay informs us that there’s a shit-ton of nonsense going on because it wouldn’t be TNA without a shit-ton of convoluted nonsense happening. You see, not only are we in the midst of the Bound For Glory Series but tonight is also Open Fight Night, a night where any challenge issued MUST be accepted!

Meanwhile in the Ring…

Hulk Hogan makes his way out to some knockoff nWo entrance music though his TNA Tron video is all Yellow & Red Hulkamania shit. He gets in the ring and gets on the mic and says that what happened to Sting last week was a tragedy though he’s not going to show us what exactly it was that happened to Sting because he didn’t want to give “the masked men” anymore publicity. Fair enough I suppose. Hogan tells everyone that he’s going to make things right for That Man Called Sting before moving on to other business.

Hogan lets the Impact Zone know that tonight is the Bound For Glory Series and also Open Fight Night. It’s a night where anything could happen but before we can get to that last week he told Austin Aries that he had to make his decision by 8:00 tonight and it’s a little after 8:00, “so what’s it gonna be dude?”

Austin Aries makes his way out in a suit with the X Division championship over his shoulder and gets in the ring. Hogan goes to shake his hand but Aries tells him they have business to take care of first. Aries says that last week Hogan gave him two options. Option A was he could relinquish the X Division Championship for a shot at Bobby Roode’s TNA World Championship while Option B was he could keep the X Division title and become the most dominant champion in the division.

Aries tells Hulk that he understands that in order to be the man he has to beat Roode and become World Champion but the X Division is the backbone of TNA and the men that have held that title are the best wrestlers the company has ever seen. Aries said that if he were to just give it up it would cheapen everything the title stands for so he has an Option C for Hulk.

Hulk says “dude” and “bruther” like 9,000 times as he explains to Aries that he isn’t about to let one man hold all the belts since it will become too much of a clusterfuck with title defenses and shit. He respects the X Division too much to let something like that happen so whatever idea Aries has had better be really visionary.

Aries says that Option C is that he will hand over the title for a shot at Roode’s championship on one condition. He sets the standard and every year at Destination X, whoever holds the X Division Championship will have the same opportunity he does right now. Aries thinks that instead of devaluing the X Division this arrangement will make the X Division title more valuable than ever before.

Hogan likes it and calls Aries a visionary, and now the two men shake hands.

Not everyone is happy with this arrangement though as an absolutely livid Bobby Roode heads out onto the stage. He tells Hogan that he’d told him to stay in his office a long time ago because this is his company. Roode then tells Aries that the X Division Championship means nothing and that he made the biggest mistake of his life by deciding to go after his championship.

Roode warns Aries that he’s no X Division wrestler but rather God’s gift to professional wrestling. At Destination X he’ll prove it and, “embarrass your (Aries’) ass.”

“You’ll embarrass my ass?” Aries mocks before reminding Roode that tonight is Open Fight Night and if he’s so sure he should come down to the ring and prove it.

The two of them brawl at ringside with Roode pulling Aries’ shirt up over his head because Roode is Canadian and that’s how all Canadians fight. Eventually referees and agents show up and separate the two of them on opposite sides of the entrance ramp. While the two of them stand behind a wall of referees and officials yelling at each other Mr. Anderson heads out onto the stage.

Anderson gets on the mic and tells them that they’re both on notice because it doesn’t matter which one of them wins at Destination X after he wins the Bound For Glory Series he’s coming after the title.

Match 1: Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels
Bound For Glory Series Match

Anderson is in the ring when we come back from break. Since tonight is Open Fight Night he wants to call out someone who’s trying to destroy some families: Christopher Daniels.

Daniels, who is backstage drinking an apple martini, stands up and heads out still drinking his martini as he makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring (after handing his drink to someone at ringside) and it’s on!

Anderson slams Daniels into the corner and puts the boots to him before nailing him with a back elbow. Anderson then heads up top but Daniels crotches him and slams him down to the mat while over on commentary Tenay informs us that all Bound For Glory matches have a 10 minute time limit so the wrestlers are going to have to work fast to pick up that all important win.

Daniels works Anderson over with body blows and then slaps on the dreaded abdominal stretch. As Anderson fights out of the hold Tenay explains that a victory via submission is worth 10 points while a pin fall is worth 7 so it’s guys are going to be looking for submission victories when possible. Anderson is able to escape the hold but is slammed into the corner by Daniels.

Anderson comes roaring back with a clothesline that leaves both me down. They get back to their feet and Daniels fires away with rights. Anderson gets sent into the corner but fires back on Daniels and comes off the ropes only to end up running into a boot.

Anderson comes back with a pair of clotheslines and then a Finlay Roll. Anderson looks for the Mic Check but Daniels counters into a Blue Thunder Bomb to earn himself a near fall. Anderson pops back up and gets two off a roll up. He then follows up with the swinging neckbreaker into the Mic Check to pick up the win and earn himself 7 points in the Bound For Glory Series.

Winner: Mr. Anderson

This was a perfectly acceptable television wrestling match. The action went at a pretty good pace and there was a good back and forth that kept thing interesting. It was a bit on the short side but for the amount of time they got I thought it was good. [**]

Meanwhile Backstage…

AJ Styles and Dixie Carter do not seem to realize that they are being filmed as they talk about how they’re doing the right thing. Dixie tells AJ that this isn’t about Daniels and Kaz. AJ tells Dixie that he thinks this is a bad idea and thinks there must be another way and we head to commercials.

Meanwhile in Brooke Hogan’s Office…

Back from break we check in with Brooke Hogan who is with some of the Knockouts in her office. She’s with ODB, Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, and Mickie James. One of them is going to get a shot at Miss Tessmacher’s Knockouts Championship tonight. Brooke wants them to each plead their case and tell her why they deserve a shot at the title tonight.

ODB says that she’s different from every other girl in the division so she should get a shot. Madison Rayne says that she’s a former champion and therefore deserves a title shot tonight. Brooke Hogan tells her that she needs to take care of business with her boyfriend and get her head in the game before she gets another shot at the Knockouts Championship.

Velvet Sky mentions that she never got a rematch after losing the title while ODB says that she’s never got a title shot at all. Someone mentions that ODB is currently one half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions and OBD’s like, “That’s just a tag team belt…” Mickie James then says that she’s the best women’s wrestler in the world and has held every major title.

Brooke Hogan says that things in the Knockouts Division are changing. She says that Miss Tessmacher is working hard and busting her butt ever day and that’s why she’s the champion. Brooke then tells Madison that she needs to figure shit out with her boyfriend first. She’s not going to get a shot tonight. Madison leaves and Brooke tells the remaining girls that she needs some more time to think about which of them will get the shot.

Match 2: Robbie E (w/ Robbie T) vs. Kurt Angle
Bound For Glory Series Match

Robbie E is in the ring with Robbie T. Robbie E gets on the mic and says that he’s not afraid of anyone involved in the Bound For Glory Series and says that since tonight is Open Fight Night he’s issuing an open challenge of his own. If anyone in the back is man enough to step in the ring with him, come on out!

We then cut to the back where all the Bound For Glory competitors are standing about. Kurt Angle smiles and then heads out and makes his way down to the ring to answer Robbie E’s challenge.

Robbie E attacks Angle as he enters the ring but almost immediately gets dumped on his head with a German. Angle’s got two more German’s for Robbie before hurking him up for the Angle Slam. Kurt lowers his straps and gets the Angle Lock applied. Robbie E taps out giving Kurt Angle the win and 10 points in the Bound For Glory Series standings.

Winner: Kurt Angle

This whole thing lasted 30 seconds but sometimes that’s all you need. If Kurt Angle is in Grapplefuck mode and going up against a comedy goof like Robbie E the match really shouldn’t have gone any other way. [NR]

Video Package!

We then get a video about tonight’s Gut Check challenger, Taeler Hendrix. She talks a bit about her career and then says that she knows about hard times on account of being diagnosed with cancer when she was 21 and fighting through it. She wants to come to TNA and become the next Knockouts Champion.

Match 3: Magnus vs. AJ Styles
Bound For Glory Series Match

Magnus heads out and as he makes his way to the ring says that he’s decided to call someone out tonight, but before we can find out who it’s time for a commercial. TAPE MACHINES ARE ROLLING!

Back from break Magnus says that he’s calling out AJ Styles because his head is not in the game. Magnus says that he understand what it’s like to have women troubles since women are always lining up to get with him but he never fucks around with another man’s wife especially if she’s the woman writing his paycheck. He calls AJ a homewrecker.

AJ Styles charges the ring and goes right after Magnus with rights. He follows with a side back breaker that puts Magnus down. Styles hesitates a moment before heading up top and ends up getting caught by Magnus, who counters the cross body attempt with a suplex in a cool spot.

Magnus follows with elbows and covers but only gets one. Styles starts to fight back, firing off a series of rights before coming off the ropes and nailing Magnus with a dropkick. He looks for the Pele kick but misses and Magnus puts the boots to him before slapping on a chinlock.

Styles fights back to his feet and escapes the hold. He chops away at Magnus and then sends him into the corner. The corner clothesline connects and Styles looks for the Styles Clash but Magnus counters. Styles nails him with an enziguri and heads out to the apron. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian then run out with a handful of papers which distract AJ Styles and allow Magnus to hit a Michinoku Driver to put Styles away and pick up 7 points in the Bound for Glory Series.

Winner: Magnus

This was a pretty good little match until the fuck finish. Styles and Magnus are easily two of the best wrestlers of this era so, I’m not all that shocked that their match was good. [**]

Match 4: Taeler Hendrix vs. Tara
Gut Check Match

Back from break Taeler Hendrix is already in the ring. Jeremy Borash is in the ring with her to announce her and explain that this is a Gut Check. Taeler Hendrix is looking to impress the Gut Check judges and earn herself a TNA contract she’ll be facing Tara!

Taeler Hendrix offers to shake hands but Tara slaps her hand away. This will be a FIGHT WITHOUT HONOR! Tara immediately takes Hendrix down, slamming her face into the mat. Tara stays on her, slamming her back down to the mat and talking some shit to her but ends up getting caught with a quick sunset flip that earns Hendrix a near fall.

Tara comes back with a snapmare and then heads up top for a hanging headlock. She continues to talk shit as she chokes Taeler out in the corner. Taeler battles back with a kick and then connects with the Stratusphere. Taeler Hendrix is fired up now running wild with forearms and a back kick before we cut to a shot of the crowd to see Chris Abyss’ brother Joseph Park being escorted from the crowd for some reason.

Back in the ring, Hendrix remains in control of the action, nailing Tara with clothesline before slapping on a chinlock. She works the hold for a bit before slamming Tara to the mat by her hair. Taeler then sets up and looks for a spin kick but misses. Tara capitalizes on this mistake and gets her in the Widow’s Peak and covers to pick up the win in 2:36.

Winner: Tara

This was a short, basic match but I really like Gut Check as a concept. I know WWE’s done similar stuff in the past with Tough Enough and the Divas Search and the game show version of NXT but all of those things are overly convoluted means to create content rather than a means by which to actually find wrestlers that can connect with the fans. Gut Check at least as presented here was a short video package and then a match. If the judges (Taz, Al Snow and Bruce Prichard) think Taeler Hendrix has potential then next week they’ll give her a contract. It’s so simple and straightforward which is kind of incredible when you consider the fact that this is still TNA home of the overly convoluted gimmick match. [NR]

Meanwhile Backstage…

Someone brings Joseph Park backstage to meet with Bully Ray. Ray tells him that he can smell the fear on him just like last week. Park replies that he thinks Ray was more afraid when Abyss showed up. Bully Ray shoves him and tells him that he’s the next TNA World Champion and if he sees either Joseph Park or Chris Abyss again it will be the last time either of them are ever seen. Joseph Park leaves and Bully Ray calls him a stupid bastard.

Match 5: Samoa Joe vs. James Storm
Bound For Glory Series Match

Samoa Joe comes down to the ring and says that since no one in the back has the guts to call him out his going to make a challenge instead. He says that last week James Storm got lucky after going away to ride horses and find his smile but tonight’s going to be different.

Storm heads out and the match gets underway with the two of them clubbering each other. Samoa Joe takes control, pounding Storm down into the corner before hitting a back corner splash and an enziguri. Joe then goes to work on Storm’s arm but Storm counters the armbar and makes it to the ropes. Joe continues to work his arm in the corner and then hits Storm with some double chops.

Joe snapmares Storm and then slaps on the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. Storm fights back to his feet and elbows free but ends up running into a snap powerslam that earns Samoa Joe a two count. Joe stays on him, going back to the armbar but Storm gets to the ropes. Joe puts the boots to him before going abck to the arm.

Joe fires off some forearms but Storm is able to fire back and we get a brief strike exchange before Joe goes back to work on the arm to slow things down. Joe gets Storm in a crossface chicken wing but Storm escapes it and hits a few elbows. Strom then hits the ropes and connects with a forearm. He follows with an ATOMIC DROP and another flying forearm that drops Joe.

Storm sets up for the superkick but ends up charging Joe instead. Storm then heads up top but Joe boots him in the head. To the surprise of everyone Joe forgoes the Musclebuster instead choosing to lock in the Clutch. Storm manages to slam him into the corner to break free and then nails Joe with the Last Call Superkick to pick up the win and earn himself 7 points in the Bound For Glory Series in 3:56.

After the match James Storm celebrates with a one that is cold. Joe comes back into the ring with a beer bottle and looks like he’s going to smash James Storm with it but instead hands it to him and then walks away.

Winner: James Storm

Another perfectly fine match. Watching this episode I’m kind of amazed at the level of talent TNA had on their roster at this time. Every single match has had dudes in it that are legit all time greats and this one was no exception. Storm and Joe both looked good here and if you’re looking for a decent, sub-five minute match between them this one is pretty good. [**]

Highlights for Children!

We get a video package about all the bullshit that’s been going on with AJ Styles and Dixie Carter in recent weeks including AJ Styles getting punched in the dome by Dixie’s husband who apparently is named Serge.

Meanwhile Backstage…

AJ and Dixie are talking. AJ is still not sure that they should go throught with this.

Meanwhile in Brooke Hogan’s Office…

Brooke is in her office with ODB, Mickie James, and Velvet Sky for another segment that’s shot like a reality TV show. Velvet tells Brooke that she never got a rematch after Gail Kim showed up. Brooke again says that she wants everyone in the Knockouts Division to be focused and doesn’t know if ODB is because of her husband so she’s out of contention for the title shot tonight. ODB leaves and as she does she asks Brooke where Hulk Hogan’s office is. Apparently the office they’re in is actually the Hulkster’s office.

And that’s the entirety of the segment. I guess either Mickie James or Velvet Sky is going to be facing Miss Tessmacher later in the evening for the Knockouts Championship.

Match 6: Bully Ray vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero
Bound For Glory Series Match

Bully Ray heads out and asks the Impact Zone faithful if they know who he is and then tells them that he’s the most hated bully in the world. He mentions Joseph Park getting booted from the Impact Zone and then says it’s time to get down to business. There are only three Bound For Glory competitors left so he’s going to take the easy points and call out The Pope who has been too busy in Hollywood as of late to put in work in the ring.

Dinero heads out and Ray jumps him before the bell, beating him down. Ray slams Pope into the corner and then gets an early two count off a clothesline. Ray continues to wail on Pope but Pope starts to fight back with elbows. Bully Ray does some heel shit and goes to Pope’s eyes to cut him off before he can really get anything going.

Bully Ray connects with a big boot and then sends Pope into the corner hard with an Irish whip. The whip is so hard that Pope crashes to the mat. Bully Ray then looks for a splash but Pope moves and Bully Ray eats shit on the landing. Pope gets back to his feet and the two men trade rights. Bully Ray goes for another big boot but misses and Pope hits him with an ATOMIC DROP before following up with a flying shoulder block.

Pope follows up with elbows and then heads up top. Bully Ray, however, has other ideas and knocks him from the ropes to the mat. Ray then sends him into the corner and connects with a big corner splash. He follows with mounted count-along punches in the corner but while he’s punching Abyss appears in the crowd distracting Bully Ray.

Abyss beckons for Bully Ray to bring it and as Bully Ray watches from the ring, Pope nails Bully Ray with double knees to the back that sends him tumbling to the floor. Abyss makes his way through the crowd, scaring the shit out of a group of young women at ringside as he climbs over the guardrail in front of them.

Abyss chases Bully Ray around the ring for a bit until Ray flees back into the ring where he walks straight into an STO from The Pope. The Pope then covers to pick up the win and earn himself 7 points in the Bound For Glory Series.

Afterwards Bully Ray hauls ass to the back with Abyss following after him in hot pursuit.

Winner: “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero

This was another short match and there wasn’t a ton to it, but I like that every match on this show has furthered an angle. [*¾]

Meanwhile Backstage…

Jeff Hardy and RVD are standing around when Hulk Hogan shows up and says that they’re the answer to his problem. He tells them that they’re both huge stars and since no one called either of them out tonight they’re going to be his main event. RVD and Jeff Hardy seem fine with this and shake hands because I guess they’re both babyfaces and respect each other. I lost count how many “dudes” and “bruthers” Hogan dropped here.  

Music Video!

We get a music video from some country group(?) called Montgomery Gentry that features TNA Knockout, Velvet Sky. The video features a small child playing with a Sharkboy action figure and Velvet Sky in the gym and stuff. This feels very much like something that the weekly PPV version of TNA would have done but for some reason it sort of feels out of place here. Anyway the video gets cut off before the end and there’s some on-screen graphic informing us that we can see the whole thing on TNA’s website or maybe the Montgomery Gentry website or something. I’m not exactly sure where they said I could watch it because frankly I have no desire to do so.

Meanwhile Backstage…

Brooke Hogan is backstage with Mickie James and Velvet Sky. She tells them that she’s proud of both of them and that they are proof that the cream rises to the top. She tells Velvet that she already had a big opportunity by starring in the music video we just saw, so tonight Mickie James will get the title shot. Velvet Sky is very gracious and wishes Mickie James luck ahead of her title match.

Match 7: Miss Tessmacher (c) vs. Mickie James
TNA Knockouts Championship Match

We get a feeling out process early on. They work to the corner and Mickie James breaks. They lock back up and Miss Tessmacher goes to work on Mickie’s arm. James escapes the hold and goes with work with a hammerlock. She transitions to a front facelock but Tessmacher is able to free herself from the hold. She goes back to work on Mickie’s arm but Mickie counters out into a pin attempt that gets her a two count.

James goes back to work on Miss Tessmacher’s arm but again Miss Tessmacher is able to get herself out of trouble. She nails Mickie with a dropkick but James retreats to the ropes and then cheapshots her with a back elbow as the referee backs Miss Tessmacher off. James covers but only gets a two count.

Tessmacher fights back with a series of rights before James snapmares her and drills her with a basement dropkick. James covers but Tessmacher kicks out at two. James looks annoyed by this and grabs Tessmacher’s hair and slams her to the mat. She follows up with a snapmare and then applies a top wristlock.

Tessmacher works back to her feet and elbows free of the hold. She nails James with a boot and then charges at her but ends up getting flapjacked by James.  James then kips up and heads up top but ends up just leaping over Tessmacher who has gotten back to her feet and is charging at the corner.
Tessmacher comes back with a clothesline and is all fired up but James quickly takes control of things again as she unloads on Tessmacher with kicks in the corner. James looks for a headscissors but misses and gets facejammed out of the corner by Tessmacher who covers for two.

Tessmacher looks for her finisher but James comes back with that spinning heel kick she does that I think WWE refers to as the “Mick Kick,” which I always think sounds like something that’s old timey racist against Irishmen but I digress. James covers but Tessmacher kicks out at two. James argues with the referee over the count and then puts the boots to Tessmacher. She looks for a DDT but Tessmacher counters with a sunset flip from outta nowhere for three.

Mickie James looks pissed off that she lost the match as Miss Tessmacher celebrates her successful title defense.

Winner: Miss Tessmacher

Overall a fine match and probably miles better than anything WWE was doing with their Divas Division at this time. Like everything else on this show, this wasn’t an all time great wrestling match or anything but overall was a perfectly fine match for TV. There weren’t any botches or anything and the action moved along at a good pace and made sense from a storytelling perspective. [**¼]

Match 8: RVD vs. Jeff Hardy
Bound For Glory Series Match

Van Dam takes Hardy down with a leg scissors at the bell and rolls him up for an early two count. Hardy looks to pick up the pace and sends RVD into the corner but ends up getting kicked by Van Dam. RVD grabs a headlock which leads to some rope running. 

RVD drops down into a split but ends up getting a leg drop to the back of his head by Hardy who then takes over on offense. Hardy connects with a corner dropkick and covers but RVD manages to kick out at two. RVD battles back and lays Hardy out but misses with an attempted leg drop on the ring apron. Hardy then sends him to the floor.

RVD quickly comes back on offense and heads up top. He connects with a flying sidekick that lays Hardy out for Rolling Thunder. RVD connects with it and covers but only gets two. RVD stays on Hardy though and hits the split-legged moonsault for another close near fall.

Hardy comes back with a bulldog and then follows with a spinning back kick. Hardy boots RVD and then plants him with a gourd buster. Hardy then heads up top but misses with the Swanton. RVD then heads up and comes flying off with a 450 Splash but ends up missing when Hardy moves out of the way.

Hardy spikes RVD on his head with a DDT that gets a close two count. He follows up with a nasty looking Twist of Fate and covers for one, for two, and for three to pick up the win and earn himself 7 points in the Bound For Glory Series.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

This was a great sprint of a match. Like pretty much every other match on the card tonight it’s not really a surprise that this was great for the amount of time it got considering the parties involved. The finish was pretty terrific too with RVD selling both the DDT and the Twist of Fate like he was murdered. [**½]

Bound For Glory Series Standings

Back from break Professor Iron “Mike” Tenay presents the Bound For Glory Series Standings as a cool on-screen graphic.

  • James Storm – 27 points
  • Kurt Angle – 10 points
  • Mr. Anderson – 7 points
  • Magnus – 7 points
  • Pope D’Angelo Dinero – 7 points
  • Jeff Hardy – 7 points
  • Rob Van Dam – 0 points
  • AJ Styles – 0 points
  • Bully Ray – 0 points
  • Robbie E – 0 points
  • Christopher Daniels – 0 points
  • Samoa Joe – 0 points

Tenay also informs us that next week on Impact! AJ Styles and Kurt Angle will defend their Tag Team Titles against Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian, but for now some bullshit…

Meanwhile in the Impact Zone…

AJ Styles and Dixie Carter head out holding hands and make their way down to the ring sans entrance music. Dixie gets on the mic and says that this has been going on for some time now and that situations like this never have a positive outcome since people get hurt and lives end up getting destroyed. She stumbles on her words so AJ tells her that they don’t have to do this. He tells her that they should stop caring what other people think and just leave, but before they do, some random lady heads out and makes her way down the aisle.

Oh shit I didn’t realize this was THAT episode…

The woman gets into the ring with them and after telling AJ that she wants to do this, gets on the microphone to introduce herself as Claire Lynch. She explains that she’s known AJ and Dixie for a while now and when she needed help they were both there for her. She’s there to tell the truth. AJ and Dixie are not having an affair.

She explains that she’s an addict and has been trying to get clean. She talks about how she would drink and take pills and how she would sometimes wake up with complete strangers. She talks about being so desperate for her next fix that she’d steal from her family which is why she couldn’t go to them when she needed help getting clean.

The crowd is about as understanding as you would expect them to be, bellowing, “WHAT?” every time Claire pauses.

Claire talks about going to Dixie and AJ for help and reveals that AJ took her to rehab and the two of them kept her secret but Daniels and Kazarian had to get involved. She says that the picture and video Daniels and Kaz revealed was AJ and Dixie talking about taking care of her.

Backstage Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian are fuming. They say it’s because Claire Lynch is there and is going to ruin their plans but I think the more likely reason is the fact that they’re in this dumbass angle.

Back in the ring Claire says that Daniels is a liar. Daniels and Kazarian head out and make their way down to the ring, yelling at Claire to shut up. Daniels gets into the ring but AJ wrecks shop on him as Dixie and Claire clear out of the ring. Kazarian hits the ring and AJ merks him as well. He powerbombs Kaz and then hits Daniels with a Pele Kick. As the show fades to black we see AJ Styles get on Daniels for some ground and pound, and that’s the show!

Final Thoughts

First the good stuff I guess. The wrestling (and there was actually a lot of it on this episode) was by and large good. The matches were all fairly short, but it’s TV wrestling. Maybe if you’re only accustomed to more modern stuff a show with 8 matches, not of which went more than five minutes might feel weird, but go watch an episode of WWF Superstars from the 90s and get back to me. At least every match here had a reason for existing.

I know I kind of mocked the fact that there were three different overarching gimmicks happening on this sole episode but I honestly like all three concepts (Bound For Glory, Gut Check, and Open Fight Night) and thought that they were presented in a way that made sense here. Will they become more convoluted as the weeks progress? Who knows but on this episode they were all super easy to follow.

Also good on this episode? The opening segment with Hogan and Austin Aries. I like that they turned the X Division Title into what the United States Championship used to be in Jim Crockett Promotions: if you have that belt you’re the #2 guy in the promotion and in line for a shot at the World Championship. I think way more companies should do this with their secondary title since it makes them feel important and gives a clearly defined reason why someone might set their sights on that belt rather than the main championship from the jump.

And now for the bad. When I decided to watch this particular episode I had no idea that I’d end up witnessing the worst thing in all of professional wrestling for the year 2012 as decided upon by the readers of Claire Lynch. I’d read about this entire angle, but mere words and 3 frame GIFs could not have prepared me for just how cringe-worthy the close of this episode actually was. Logically the entire thing made no sense and none of the parties involved had the acting chops to pull it off believably. Kind of a disappointing close to what was otherwise a fairly enjoyable episode of a professional wrestling show.

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