USWA Championship Wrestling (August 4, 1990)

Since I’ve run out of WWF content for the month of July 1998 I need something else to look at and have decided on some Memphis studio shit because it’s very much my jam. Also it’s only like an hour long and mostly squash matches so I can do a half-assed job reviewing it and it won’t make much of a difference. Anyway, today we’re going to take a gander at the August 4, 1990 episode of USWA Championship Wrestling.

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USWA Championship Wrestling (November 9, 1996)

So this weekend I watched I’m From Hollywood, that documentary about Andy Kaufman’s foray into the wacky world of professional wrestling and was inspired to go watch some random shit from Memphis because of it. This November 9, 1996 episode of USWA Championship Wrestling is one of the things I watched. Here are words about it.

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USWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5 (October 9, 1993)

USWA Logo 1993

I continue to explore the Memphis territory with little concern for chronological order. Today we’re going to take a look at the October 9, 1993 installment of USWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5 which is smack dab in the middle of USWA’s feud with the WWF because 1993 was a weird time for wrestling.

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USWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5 (June 15, 1991)

uswa logo

After watching that random-ass episode of CWA from ’81 the other day I decided I needed more Memphis bullshit in my life and figured I might as well just watch all the Ta-Gar shit I can find so today we’re going to check on the June 15, 1991 episode of USWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5.

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CWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5 (May 2, 1981)

CWA Championship Wrestling

The freebie version of the WWE Network that the company was offering has seemingly expired so I guess it’s back to trawling YouTube for random old wrestling shit for me. For whatever reason I’ve decided to take a look at an episode of CWA out of Memphis from 1981. The video is listed as being the May 2, 1981 episode but I’ve seen this card listed elsewhere as being the April 25, 1981 episode, so I’ve got no idea. I kind of think that the May 2 date is correct due to the show “this coming Tuesday” at Louisville Gardens that they hype on this episode matching up with the card for the May 5, 1981 show in Louisville, but like I said I don’t really know and no one really cares anyway so let’s get on with it!

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USWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5 (June 29, 1991)

uswa logo

I’m going down to Memphis today for whatever reason with a random episode of USWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5. We’ve got Dave Brown and Michael St. John calling the action at the WMC Television Studio this morning. They run down the matches we’ll see this morning and then tell us that after the break will get down to action.

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