Urban Wrestling Federation Thug Assassins (January 22, 2012)

Urban Wrestling Federation - Thug Assassins

As the COVID-19 virus continues to ravage our lands and our options for new entertainment become few and far between, we turn to older amusements to fill our time which is why today I’m looking at another Urban Wrestling Federation show.

I last reviewed a mess of these shows when my apartment was getting renovated and I was staying at my in-laws place with nothing to amuse myself other than crap I could find on YouTube. While I still do have other options available to me, this popped up on my sidebar the other day and I decided to watch it since the previous three shows were all batshit insane and good for a laugh which seems like something everyone could use right about now.

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Urban Wrestling Federation First Blood (June 26, 2011)

UWF - First Blood

So seven or so years ago there was a wrestling promotion that combined pro-grappling with hip-hop. This promotion, the Urban Wrestling Federation (heretofore UWF), aired a series of PPVs that are now on YouTube, which is how I found out about them. This is a review of their first show, First Blood.

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