CWA Championship Wrestling on WMC-5 (May 2, 1981)

CWA Championship Wrestling

The freebie version of the WWE Network that the company was offering has seemingly expired so I guess it’s back to trawling YouTube for random old wrestling shit for me. For whatever reason I’ve decided to take a look at an episode of CWA out of Memphis from 1981. The video is listed as being the May 2, 1981 episode but I’ve seen this card listed elsewhere as being the April 25, 1981 episode, so I’ve got no idea. I kind of think that the May 2 date is correct due to the show “this coming Tuesday” at Louisville Gardens that they hype on this episode matching up with the card for the May 5, 1981 show in Louisville, but like I said I don’t really know and no one really cares anyway so let’s get on with it!

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Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling (November 21, 1981)

Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Logo

I go through weird phases with professional wrestling. Like there will be a couple weeks that all I want to watch is Japanese garbage wrestling and then I’ll decide to watch WCW C-Shows from the mid to late-90s. Right now I’m on a huge studio wrestling kick due in no small part to NWA Powerrr reminding me how much that shit ruled.

I’ve been going through old episodes of Smoky Mountain Wrestling but today my YouTube recommendations offered up this gem: a 1981 episode of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Taped at the WRAL Studio in Raleigh, North Carolina on the 18th of November according to more knowledgeable people than me the show aired on the 21st of November. So let’s head to the studio for some rasslin’!

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