Championship Wrestling From Florida (July 31, 1982)

It’s time for another episode of Championship Wrestling From Florida! This is the July 31, 1982 episode and the version I found online appears to be taped from that WWE 24/7 channel deal that existed prior to the WWE Network being a thing and therefore features Mike Graham circa 2008 popping up to talk about things at various point in the show. As was the case with other episodes I’ve seen that were similarly sourced I’m not going to bother mentioning anything he says or does unless it seems like an important bit of information to share. Anyway, let’s get on with it!

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Championship Wrestling From Florida (April 10, 1982)

My dive into the Florida territory continues with this April 10, 1982 episode of Championship Wrestling From Florida. I’ve watched every other April ’82 episode (albeit completely out of order) so I decided to just watch this one and finish off the month. So let’s get ready for crimson masks and suplays in the Sunshine State!

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Championship Wrestling From Florida (April 28, 1982)

I warned you that this here review blog deal was going to more or less turn into a Championship Wrestling From Florida review blog. Today we’re checking out the April 28, 1982 show…I think. Like every other territory the dates of a lot of these shows are kind of a mess (I also saw this episode listed as having aired on May 1, 1982). It doesn’t really matter all that much but if you think I’ve got dates wrong for this or any other CWF show (or WCCW or Mid-Atlantic or Memphis show for that matter…) and have correct dates for things let me know. I’m doing the best I can with the resource available with a couple of Google searches. Anyway on with the show!

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Championship Wrestling From Florida (April 21, 1982)

I watched a random-ass episode of Championship Wrestling From Florida the other day and thought it ruled so much ass that I’ve decided to just make that the thing I watch for the foreseeable future since there’s a bunch of it on YouTube. Today we’ve got the April 21, 1982 episode on the docket because it came up on my YouTube recommendation feed and actually had a date attached to it so I wouldn’t have to do any additional work to try and figure out when the show took place.

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Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling (February 20, 1982)

Time to take a trip back to the Mid-Atlantic territory for the February 20, 1982 episode of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. We’re jumping ahead a little bit because I’d reviewed the February 6, 1982 episode as a random thing some time back and I can’t find the February 13, 1982 episode anywhere online. It also doesn’t seem to be on the WWE Network so I don’t know if a copy of it exists anywhere in the world.

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Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling (January 30, 1982)

For whatever reason at this point in my life, I’ve pretty much given up the ghost on every other wrestling company and time period of wrestling save for early 80s Mid-Atlantic. So today we’re going back to 1982 for some more studio grappling. This is the January 30, 1982 episode which was recorded at the WPCQ-TV Studios in Charlotte, NC on the 27th of January.

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